Sunday, July 31, 2011

Routine Sex Pitfalls Beware!

Sex is a basic need of every human being. As well as feeding activity, you can feel "hungry" or sometimes feel bored with sexual activity.

No wonder that famous sex counselor from America, Ian Kerner, once asserted in a note, someone needs to provide for a healthy sex, as well as meet the needs of the numbers "nutrients" are recommended every day.

Kerner suggests, one should at least have sex once a week. Why? According to the counselor who is also member of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, if couples do not engage in sexual activity in a long time, their relationship becomes very vulnerable to anger, strife, betrayal, could even lead to divorce.

"I believe that sex involves a lot of things. This is the glue that enables us to keep from sticking. Without sex, your partner will only be two best friends or just friends fight in the room. When you are stuck in a boring sex, your testosterone levels will decline, and you become accustomed to not do it. Having sex once a week can keep you awake and preserved, "said Kerner.

However, Kerner warned, sex once a week is not enough. A person can get stuck in boredom if they do not have a plan or a poor variety in sexual activity.
"Sex is like food, if you keep eating the same menu, not only will get bored; You will also be constrained in meeting the vital needs," said the author of She Comes First and Love in the Time of Colic it.

To avoid the trap routine, continued Kerner, each couple as much as possible should be able to meet the diverse types of "nutrition" in the sex life. Like the food pyramid, Kerner explained, there are at least six different categories of sex should be done to prevent saturation.
Six types of nutritional sex are:

1. Sex involving love and tenderness. It is important to increase the emotional intimacy. When sexual activity, think to create a love partner.

2. Sex for just a formality, given that this activity creates a feeling of pleasure and stress relief. To make it happen, think sex is spontaneous and lightning. Do not get used to doing it in time and same place.

3. Sex emphasizes the power of imagination. Prove that the mind is your biggest sexual organ. In this category, think to do so by sharing fantasies.

4. Sex involving all the senses that are owned, either sight, smell, feeling, or taste. This type of activity is beneficial to stimulate the sensory organs partner.
Sources: various sources

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