
Monday, August 1, 2011

10 Causes Drop Women's Libido

Sex therapist and author of Sex Matters ®, LouAnne Cole Weston, PhD, presented 10 reasons or causes are most often experienced by women, your wife or your loved one when they become excited or refuse to have sex:

1. Stress. Various pressures of the job, financial problems, education, stress, family, and other problems in life clearly influential. When stress increases, many women can not choose sex as a solution to ease it.

2. Consumption of antidepressants. Not every woman will decrease his passion, but mostly just experience it.

3. Breastfeeding. When wife is breastfeeding, the content of prolactin (a hormone that triggers milk production) may reduce sex drive.

4. Lack of sleep. For most women, sleep was more important than sex when prior relationships with men.

5. The use of contraceptives. Some women will experience decreased sexual drive or desire pill due to household consumption (or other types of hormonal treatment to control pregnancy such as patches, rings, or injections).

6. Arguments with spouse. Any relations or relations of course will be faced with the challenge of either conflict or desire. This will affect a woman's desire to make love.

7. Low levels of testosterone. The hormone testosterone is also present in the female body and the levels in total blood flow in determining the sexual function of women. Measuring levels of testosterone in the body is also important to reveal the possible physiological causes for low female sex drive.

8. Hight SHBG hormone. Women who memiilki SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) in high numbers are usually not eager to have intercourse. SHBG is a protein that binds testosterone and makes it unavailable to the needs of the female body. This is what will lower a woman's libido.

9. Fears / anxiety in intimacy. Inability to control the level of intimacy that emerge and are maintained in a relationship is the reason that often arise from decreased sex drive partner. Anxiety usually occurs because the woman had received workers' experiences in the past.

10. Appearance / body shape. Women who see or think of themselves not attractive either for couples or himself could lose confidence and eventually reduce arousal.
Sources: WebMD

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