
Saturday, August 6, 2011

10 Most Healthy Foods

10 super foods below has been proven to fight disease and boost energy. Put the fruit into the daily menu can be the fastest trick to get the optimum healthy body.

1. Why do healthy lemon? Inside the fruit there are more than 100 percent of vitamin C that we need every day. Vitamin C works to increase levels of "good" cholesterol HDL cholesterol and strengthen bones. Plus, a flavonoid contained in the lemon can suppress the growth of cancer cells and serves as a weapon of anti-inflammatories. Tip: Add the lemon pieces in green tea. A study from Purdue Univrsity find, citrus able to raise the body's ability to absorb the antioxidants in tea by 80 percent.

2. Healthy Broccoli Why? One medium stalk of broccoli contains more than 100 percent of vitamin K are needed every day, and nearly 200 percent of the dose of vitamin C are recommended. These two nutrients are very important in the formation of our bones. The same serving of broccoli can be a powerful cancer shield. Tip: Use the microwave to retain 90 percent of vitamin C in broccoli. Steaming or boiling technique may only be able to retain nutrients as much as 66 percent.

3. Why is dark chocolate healthy? Consume 7 grams of dark chocolate every day can lower blood pressure. Cocoa powder is rich in flavonoids, antioxidants that well in suppressing the "bad" cholesterol LDL cholesterol and increase "good" HDL cholesterol.

This is evidenced in a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry reported that cocoa powder is sold now has eight times more flavonoids than conventional cocoa. Tip: Dark chocolate bar contains 53.5 mg of flavonoids, whereas milk chocolate bar has only less than 14 mg of flavonoids.

4. Why potatoes healthy? Red potato has 66 micrograms of folate-forming cells, which are equal in number to those found in 30 grams and 91 grams of broccoli spinach. In one sweet potato contains more vitamin A than eight times our daily needs. This vitamin bermafaat fight cancer and boost the immune system.
Tip: Let the potatoes cool before consumption. The study found this habit will help you burn more fat 25 percent after eating.

5. Healthy salmon Why? Natural resources from the sea is very rich in Omega-3 fatty acids are efficacious reduce the risk of depression, heart disease, and cancer. Eating 85 grams of salmon are able to provide the required 50 percent of niacin per day. Niacin serves to protect us from attack Alzheimer's and dementia. Tip: For maximum results, choose wild salmon than farmed.

6. Healthy walnuts Why? Walnuts contain omega-3 fatty acids, cholesterol lowering, most of the other nut groups. Plus, Omega-3 also asked as mood enhancers and a cancer fighter. Tip: Asup few walnuts for dessert. Antioxidant content of melatonin in walnuts will help regulate our sleeping hours.

7. Healthy avocado Why? The fat in avocados proven healthy and can reduce koleterol to 22 percent. One fruit of the avocado has more than 50 percent fiber and 40 percent of folate do we need every day, which will reduce the risk of heart disease. Tip: Add the avocado in a salad plate will increase the absorption of key nutrients, such as beta-carotene, up to 3-5 times compared to the salad without avocado.

8. Why garlic is healthy? Spice this one has a powerful disease-fighting power of garlic to suppress the development of bacteria, including ecoli. The content of allicin in the seasoning of this work as anti-inflammatory agent and helps lower cholesterol and blood pressure.
Tip: Mash fresh garlic to get the best allicin. Do not be too long, exposure to hot temperatures more than 10 minutes will make good nutrition in garlic disappears.

9. Healthy spinach Why? Lutein and zeaxanthin are two antioxidants in spinach-enhancing immune system is very good for eye health. Studies conducted at the Center for Eye Research in Australia found that a diet rich in both nutrients above will reduce the risk of cataracts. Compared to all the cancer-fighting fruit and vegetables, spinach is one of the "weapons" the most effective.

Tip: Because no taste, tambahakan spinach in a smoothie. Method: Mix 30 grams spinach, 110 grams of grated carrot, 1 banana, 1 cup apple juice and ice cubes in a blender until well blended.

10. Healthy legumes Why? Eating one serving of legumes (peas, lentils) four times a week can lower heart disease risk hinga 22 percent. The same habits can also lower the risk of breast cancer.
Tip: The darker the color, the more antioxidant content of these legumes. A study found, black beans contain 40 times more antioxidants than white beans. (PreventionIndonesia / Astrid Anastasia)

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