
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Against Stress with Tea, Here's How

Savor tea (Camellia sinensi) has long been known, both as an antioxidant, suppressing the risk of heart disease and stroke, and cancer prevention. However, the actual tea also has benefits as antistress drinks.

A study showed that those who drank tea regularly has the ability to respond to the stress that comes in a more calm. Negative thoughts on the tea drinkers were also more rapidly reversible than those who rarely drink tea.

It happened because the content of tea has the effect of lowering blood pressure thus making the body more relaxed and relieve anxiety.
However, according to Rina Poerwadi, holistic aromatherapy expert, to get the properties of these antistress, the proper way of drinking tea also need to be studied.

"Make time for tea. If you want to relieve stress, tea should be drunk within mindfullnes conditions, not in a hurry. Feel and enjoy the warm, aroma. Gradually, the body will be relaxed," he said.
Drinking tea with the companions also have a greater positive benefit. That is why, in Britain there is the habit of drinking tea together.

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