
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Chewing Longer Make Slim?

Period of time to chew the food was influential on the weight scales. People who chew their food longer will mengasup fewer calories than people who ate quickly.

In research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, known to people who chew food up to 40 times, mengasup 12 percent fewer calories than people who chew only 15 times.

Jie Li and his team from Harbin Medical University in China who conducted this study to observe the style of eating 14 men who were obese and 16 men with normal weight. Li focuses on the effect of chewing on blood sugar levels or certain hormones that regulate appetite.

The result is known the link between the amount of chew to the level of some types of hormones. "The more we chew the lower levels of ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates appetite and also the CCK hormone that reduces appetite," said Shuran Wang, research assistant.
He added, these hormones will be targeted in therapeutic treatment of obesity in the future.

In this study found no association between duration of chewing with insulin or blood sugar levels, both in obese group or the normal weight.
Because this study is only done on a small group of respondents, the same effect is not necessarily found in the general population.

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