
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Erection Failed Before Marriage

Knowing that the experience of having sex with two friends always failed erection, he was so worried. Am I correct that these young men have erectile dysfunction? What is the cause, since very good sexual arousal?

"I am a man aged 31 years, plans to marry next year with a 26 year old girlfriend.

So far I never had sexual intercourse with two of my female friends, but very disappointing. With both I fail, do not get an erection. In fact, prior to initiating sex, I am very excited and can have an erection as well.

However, when going to start having sex, my erection goes away quickly. After that, it is very difficult to erect again. I am very ashamed of that terrible experience. I am so afraid to try this with my future wife.

Please advise, am I impotent? How to solve this problem? Is when I get married, I would still like this? What should I do so I do not fail when getting married next year? "
LJ, Batam

Not necessarily DE
The fear you experience erectile dysfunction (current term for impotence) I can understand. The failure of having sexual relations with two friends was certainly very disappointing and scary. However, failure does not automatically makes you a man who called erectile dysfunction (ED).

Erectile dysfunction means the inability to stay within reach and maintain a penile erection sufficient for sexual intercourse. Even if you do experience a failure to achieve and maintain penile erection sufficient, not necessarily a failure that continues to happen.

Even if you never tried to have sexual relations with two women, you do not mention how often do that. Maybe you do sexual intercourse only once or twice.

In erectile dysfunction, erectile failure is often still occur after sexual intercourse, at least 25 percent of the opportunity to do so. So, if only one or two times before, yet must have experienced erectile dysfunction.

Failure psychic
Your failure to have sexual relations with two friends was very likely caused by psychological obstacles that will arise during sexual intercourse.

Some psychological barriers that may arise at the time, among others, fear of failure, guilt, fear of discovery of people, fear of pregnancy, or various other feelings.

Not to mention how the two friends. If their reaction is not pleasant, let alone reject, of course it will inhibit the reaction of your erections, and cause failure.

If the cause of your failure is due to psychological constraints like this, it should not happen again after getting married someday. However, it does not mean there are no husbands who experience erectile dysfunction due to psychological barriers. Not a few husbands had erectile dysfunction due to psychological barriers, for example, because it can not satisfy his wife and boredom with his wife.

Physical Failure
In addition to the psychological barriers, there are also physical barriers that can lead to erectile failure. Although it may be barriers or physical impairment does not happen to you, this should not be ruled out.

For that, if the failure of erection is still just you experience after getting married someday, you should consult further and checked out. Thus, it is known what actually causes your erectile failure.

Perhaps it is better if you do not have sexual relations with your friend again. The problem is, if failure occurs again, I fear it may cause due to worse for your next sexual function. Better to wait until marriage.

Try not to be disturbed by the fear of failure because of past experience it. Do not let fear of failure because of the experience, which inhibits your erection after getting married someday.

If you get married later after experiencing the same failure, I suggest do not wait until any longer. Immediately consult to get treatment so as not to cause further ill-effects.

What matters more, not to cause complaints wife. If it comes to complaints wife, the handling might be more difficult. @

Consultation answered by Prof. Dr. Wimpie Pangkahila, SpAnd

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