
Monday, August 1, 2011

For the couple, Should Fake Orgasm?

In terms of sex, we often hear the word fake an orgasm or pretending to have an orgasm, when in fact it did not feel it. This behavior is often indicated a person when having sex with the intention of pleasing their partner or increase confidence.

Facts prove that a fake orgasm many women do to please their partner. Women sometimes have to pretend to reach orgasm, when in fact they had not experienced or do not even enjoy sex itself due to various factors, such as sexual dysfunction in both men and women.

One study suggested, fake orgasm is often done because 90 percent of women rate men can not distinguish between fake and genuine orgasm. Women are also forced to make a fake orgasm so as not to offend or disappoint her partner even though they are not satisfied in his heart.

In the eyes of psychologists who study sexual problems, Zoya Dianaesthika Jusung, MPsi, pretending to feel the orgasm is the action that was detrimental, especially for women. With a fake orgasm, the goal of achieving quality and satisfying sex of both parties even more difficult to achieve.

"Women do fake orgasms to lose yourself. Pretending orgasm that is, other than to deceive himself, he has also been deceiving his partner. Many women feel by not communicating fake orgasms will increase confidence in their partner, but they are not," said consultant from the Institute of sex Psychology Research, Faculty of Psychology, University of Indonesia, it is.

Cases in which fake orgasm is often found in women who have a spouse with erectile dysfunction (ED). It's no secret when erectile problems can cause women to be difficult to be satisfied that, to avoid offense in action in bed, often women have to fake an orgasm and keep this secret in his heart.

Zoya suggests, action fake an orgasm should be avoided and replaced with a more intimate approach through communication and openness with your partner. In communicating about sex, both men and women should present it in a way assertive, do not offend each other or hurt each other.

"The way that does not hurt the delivery is very important. For example, do not get (a woman) said, 'Ah, you're ugly or very weak anyway.' Tomorrow, tomorrow, in fact (the man) will be weaker," he said.
So alike find pleasure in sex, couples can coach each other in the desired direction and express how they should be having sex. "For example, say, 'Ok, that's right over here! That's good, keep continue doing this'. It will help the men and women to get satisfaction," he added.

There is also a good idea, each pair using the afterplay or shortly after sexual activity to be an occasion to communicate. "When afterplay used to each other openly about sexual experiences had just happened. And, for the women, do not be ashamed to express what is felt during intercourse and whether you reach orgasm or not," he said.

He asserted, in principle, men and women have equal rights to have the satisfaction and enjoyment during sex. Enjoyment and satisfaction, continued Zoya, actually have different meanings in the context of sex.
Enjoyment or pleasure is usually much more concerned with matters of physical and genital, such as stimulation of the body part or a certain point, and the position and related tricks. "While it's a lot of satisfaction regarding the effects of psychological or self-satisfaction on the satisfaction of an individual. Which means something more than pleasure," he said.

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