
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Leave Healthy 4 5 Excellent!

Four of five perfectly healthy is no longer a measure to reach the standard of nutrition and health, especially for children.
During this time the public have misconceptions about the healthy food program. Community should also notice the amount of calories given to children, especially school-age children.

The amount of food is also linked to eating children who should be tailored to their needs. The balance between healthy food and this number is changed four to five perfectly healthy balanced nutritional diet.

This was conveyed by Ambassador Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Special Envoy of the President Nila Djuwita F Moeloek in discussion "Golden Generation Nation thanks to Healthy Nutrition" at the Acacia Hotel, Jakarta, Saturday (01/22/2011). This discussion raised the impact of child malnutrition and school mitigation.

"For him these are the people already four of five perfectly healthy. There was rice, side dishes, vegetables, fruit, and milk. But, Have set the amount of food? Not exactly we eat with rice and fish, but fish salty one. Or , gave his son to eat in large portions. It's not yet to meet the nutritional balance. Kids do not just fed. We must know also how many calories are needed for children, "says Nila.

The number of calories a child needs varies. School-age children who have not entered puberty require 1600-2500 calories per day. Entering the transition to adulthood, most children need to increase your calorie intake to 2500-3000 per day. This amount is also adjusted to the child's daily activities. Active children would require more calories.

Nila added, eating the people of Indonesia should also be improved to achieve a balanced nutrition. So far, people tend to depend on rice. Even the government also imported rice to meet demand for rice. In fact, in Indonesia are rich in food, rice can be replaced with corn or potatoes.

"To meet the nutritional well should not only rice, meat. We're also able to substitute with sweet potatoes, corn, and many more replacement foods contain high protein, good for kids. Meat can also be replaced with a fish. Lots of potential, but now depends on the parents, did have knowledge of good nutrition for children, "he said.

In response, the Chairman of the Foundation for Conscious Nutrition Society Movement Prawita Tirta Sari said, parents and children need guidance and education about balanced nutrition for children of school age.
In addition, teachers in schools should not only emphasize on four of five perfectly healthy, but also a balanced nutrition of the food.

"It is true, the child should not be fed alone. They also need healthy food education. In 2011 in Greater Jakarta area we plan to provide education to school children about balanced nutrition. They are also taught how to make it so that they can be agents who teach balanced nutrition to families they are at home, not to mention four of five perfectly healthy, "Tirta asserted.

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