
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Let no cheating, Sex Creative Must

Once people had a scene because the results of research that mentions two of three men in Jakarta do the affair. Well, currently numbers continue to rise relative.

Dr. Boyke Dian Nugraha, Sp.OG., MARS, a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology, said in a seminar ever mentions that four of the five men of cheating!

Data in Clinical Couples Dr. Boyke, found that about 42 per cent of cheating husbands when their wives were aged 40 years. Not only that. A study in Bandung, West Java conducted by a psychologist to mention that 2 of the 5 women workers also do the affair.

The affair seems to have become a common phenomenon. Affair which incidentally is also one free sex, often cause problems. Incidence of unwanted pregnancy (KTD) for example. These problems involved increasing the number of abortions.

As an illustration, approximately 2.3 million abortions performed each year. Not to mention maternal mortality due to abortion was also high. "The amount is higher when compared with Bangladesh," commented Dr. Boyke.

In addition to the emergence of an unwanted pregnancy, behavior irresponsible sex which also contribute to infectious diseases. One of them is HIV / AIDS. If you have this, then the HIV / AIDS virus can infect your partner the truth.

Reason cheating
The affair is a sexual relationship outside of marriage are legitimate. The condition can occur within a reasonably short and long term with a low level of emotional involvement or high.

As mentioned Dr. Boyke, there are several reasons for people having an affair, among them:

- The inability to form a joint commitment of marriage partner. Lack of commitment, not realizing the meaning and purpose of marriage also encourage someone to do the affair.
- Faith is weak and a great sense of self-interest of each partner.
- Anger is hidden from your partner, marriage life dissatisfaction, due to unmet emotional needs of the couple, often lead to infidelity in marriage.
- The existence of personal problems in the marriage.
- Curiosity as to what sex is done with others. Moreover, if sex with a partner experienced burnout.

When this happens, the emergence of various problems can persist. So he suggested that each partner is aware of the symptoms. Before the marriage foundered, it helps each partner to self-correct to find and assess the errors that have occurred.

In the Bathroom
If that were related to sexual life, then it could not hurt to bring myself to communicate with a partner. Establish healthy communication to raise issues that are being faced with a sex partner.

If the problem occurs because the problem of sexual relations, it would require some creativity in support of the issue. Site selection for example. If the atmosphere lead to boredom bed while having sex, move on to other similar places.

Indeed, during this time to have sex in the bed of choice is mostly done by the couple. In addition to a comfortable position, the bed will provide a sense of relaxed and romantic.

Though the option was not confined to bed alone. "Another place such as chairs, especially chairs, sleeveless, desk, standing in front of the mirror, could be an option that gives the impression of a special place in sex," continued Dr. Boyke.

The bathroom was also able to support the sexual activity. Here, couples can take a shower, a spa or sauna together. According to Drs. Boyke it strongly supports the activities of foreplay and afterplay. It's just some things to consider when having sex in the bathroom. As cautious on the slippery bathroom floor.

By doing some of the creations in sexual intercourse, the possibility of infidelity can be overcome. Not only that, the negative effects of an affair like to stress, various venereal diseases, HIV / AIDS, unwanted pregnancies, infertility and cervical cancer can be avoided.

In general, infidelity is more often life-threatening marriages and careers. The risk of the heaviest, in case of divorce, can cause various problems. Ranging from financial, emotional burden on children, problems with other family members, the shame, to feel sad.
Keep in mind the difficulties to start life with a new partner, which may be greater than anything previously imagined.

Experts agree that a happy marriage will make your partner can work together and relieve the burden. Do you still and your partner build a happy marriage? @ Diy (Tabloid Healthy Lifestyles)
Other places such as chairs, especially chairs, sleeveless, desk, standing in front of the mirror, could be an option that gives the impression of a special place in sex

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