
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The More Teens Do premarital sex

The myth that we are immune from teens free sex began to fade. Some studies of sexual behavior of teenagers say, from year to year increasing numbers of teenagers have had sex.

In Jakarta, according to the National Strategy for Adolescent Health Research conducted by the Ministry of Health in 2005 said 5.3 percent of high school students in Jakarta had sex.
not to mention the pressure from his friends, for example the suggestion that the mean old virgin

BKKBN survey conducted in 2008 said 63 percent of adolescents in several major cities in Indonesia have premarital sex. From the results of a survey conducted Annisa Foundation in 2006 found 42.3 percent of junior high and high school teens in Cianjur, West Java, had sex.

The more open access to information plus the pressure from the environment is believed to be the cause of many of the adolescents who had sex before marriage.

"We have access to pornographic material more easily, for example via the Internet or cell phones, not to mention the pressure from his friends, for example, the opinion which says that a virgin means ancient. It is somewhat encouraging teens to have sex before marriage," says psychologist Ruth Abraham.

Ruth also argues, adolescents generally have a great sense of curiosity and love trying new things. "They also began to explore with sexuality, but knowledge about this very minimal," says psychologist who actively engaged in the development of youth's personality.

About premarital sex, dr Boy Abidin, Sp.OG, from the Hospital Mitra Keluarga Kelapa Gading, say, the most obvious threat is a pregnancy outside of marriage and unsafe abortion.

"The majority of teens believe that intercourse one time does not cause pregnancy, when in fact not the case," he said.

In addition to unwanted pregnancy, sexual intercourse at an early age according to Dr. Boy increase the risk of transmission of sexually transmitted diseases and cervical cancer.

"Because of that early adolescents need to be equipped with correct information about the body, sexuality, and reproductive organs," he said.

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