
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

When Wives Like Porn BBM

Found his wife exchanged information about pornography with his friends in the BBM, he was very surprised because the day-to-day his wife was not so. He was worried that his wife was having an affair or sexual abnormalities. What actually happened?

"I want to ask about my wife. He loved the air-BBM-
(Black Berry Messenger) with his friends. Unexpectedly, the contents of its BBM much of the story or the words porn, there are even some pictures like copulation.

I was surprised because to my knowledge, the wife was not the type of person. In fact, if my story or show pornographic pictures, he's like not interested. When I asked about it, my wife told me just bragging rights. Frankly, I was afraid of his wife having an affair because of excessive BBM that way.

Is the BBM's wife porn like it could be aroused? Could he have sexual deviations, so that is satisfied by looking at pornographic images, while the day-to-day at home is not so?

During this intimate relationship we have had no problems. At least once a week we do, and I'm sure his wife is also satisfied. Wife age 45, I am 49 years old. Is there not a good result for the wife, or do I leave it alone? "
NL, Surakarta

Conclusion Excessive
I can understand if you are surprised to find out your wife likes to tell of porn and see, might also exchanged pornographic images. The problem is, your knowledge, your wife does not like doing it.

You say your wife is "not the type of people are like that". That is, in everyday life with you, he does not like porn talk, let alone seeing pornographic images. Precisely the question that comes to my mind, why you do not like to tell him let alone see pornographic pictures, while with others on BBM like?

Perhaps because he was embarrassed when I have to directly talk to or watch porn with you. Through the BBM he did not immediately see the interlocutor. So no need to feel embarrassed or awkward.

Of course my guess is wrong, if it turns out to others he is not awkward or embarrassed to tell pornographic or viewing pornographic images. However, your fears that his wife will cheat because of the air-BBM's about the story and picture porn seems excessive.

I think it is very different between talk and exchange pictures porn porn in cyberspace through the BBM by doing cheating in the real world. However, I also do not deny that from the virtual world can then be an act in the real world. Many examples are preceded by a meeting of friends in cyberspace.

Many people who use Internet technology, including BBM, as a medium to express ourselves to others that are very personal, so free to do so.

Is that your wife left with the pleasure that can lead to bad consequences, I can not confirm. Maybe it will not cause any effect, if what he is doing it does not cause any influence for himself.

Like he's confession, "just a fad". Conversely, it can only happen when the fad that he became interested in meeting with her friends BBM. The best thing is there is no difference between what he does through BBM with everyday life with you.

If you can figure out why his wife is very different in terms of talking porn in the house with the BBM, these differences can be eliminated, and you will not be surprised anymore.

Consultation rubric of sex with Prof. Dr. Dr. Wimpie Pangkahalia, SpAnd

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