
Monday, August 1, 2011

Why Women Fake Orgasm?

Research shows that nearly 60 percent of women claimed to have pretended to reach orgasm during intercourse or while performing oral sex.

Keeping partner's feelings were not the only reason. Many women who do so out of fear of intimacy with their partner or feeling anxious about themselves.
Not a few are also women who pretend to be climaxed with the reason they are not comfortable with the sexual organ function or because they want to immediately end the ongoing sexual relationship.

Although numbers were small, but some are faking orgasms because they want to enhance their sexual experience.
"For this last group they want to increase the stimulation to the self so that they actually achieve higher satisfaction," said Erin Cooper of Temple University who conducted research on this subject.

In his research, Cooper conducted a survey on 366 women aged 18-32 years who had faked her orgasms. The women were questioned about sexual habits, reasons for faking orgasms and feelings in relationships.
For women who are afraid of feeling intimate and close, fake orgasm means keeping a distance with a partner. Meanwhile, for those who are embarrassed by their sexual performance, Cooper argues fake orgasm is a great way to save their egos.

"Women are hard to get close to others in the level of emotional closeness also often difficult to close on a sexual level. They need intervention," he said.
Meanwhile, women who want to quickly finish his sexual relationship allegedly also had some trouble to let others close personally.
"They do not feel connected with their partner or sexual experience, so do not get satisfaction from sex," he explained.

Those reasons will certainly have an impact on the relationship outside the bedroom. Improving communication and strive to improve trust and intimacy by Cooper will help to be what it is in the bedroom.
Sources: FoxNews

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