
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Wife Not Comfortable with Condoms

For a long time he wore KB spiral. However, in recent months, suddenly her husband likes to use a condom. As a result of sex precisely because he no longer bothered to orgasm and lazy in touch.

"I was 40, the husband of 43 years. I KB spiral since the second child was born. Some of this month's husband likes to use a condom. When I asked why because I've KB spiral anyway, he said because of good.

When I asked them again how much better, she just laughed. The problem is, I feel uncomfortable. Sometimes feeling sick and listless and often can not orgasm. Previously I orgasm easier. Finally we argued a lot because my husband wants to use a condom, while I do not like. After all, did I have family planning.

What exactly is the purpose husbands wear condoms? I suspect, lest her husband got a venereal disease, wear a condom so I did not catch. But, I noticed no signs of pain in the genitals.

How can I make my orgasm even though her husband can still wear a condom? What if her husband use condoms, wife feel sick? "
W.S, Tangerang

The function of condoms
There are two functions of condoms. First, it prevents pregnancy. Second, to prevent transmission of disease or infection through sexual intercourse. There is also a third function, associated with the comfort of sexual relations.

Not a few men are more comfortable using a condom because they do not touch so it is more insensitive. On the other hand, many men actually feel disturbed because of less pronounced.

On the women, some of them disrupted when the couple using condoms. They feel uncomfortable because of indirect contact, some even ill. There is also more convenient because it does not dampened when the partner ejaculated sperm.

So it seems to complaints both parties, both husband and wife, is subjective. Naturally, if the husband used condoms on the grounds "more comfortable". Problem is there any other reason, only he knows.

Your conjecture about the possible husband of disease, it must have a good reason. Without reason, will only cause new problems in the relationship with her husband. Only he knows, whether high-risk sexual behavior so that he use condoms to prevent transmission of infection through sexual intercourse.

If this is done, meaning he seeks to prevent transmission to you. On the other hand, if the condoms you can not be disturbed until orgasm, this certainly should be considered by the husband.

Husband relented
The pain you're experiencing may be caused by psychological obstacles because the husband using a condom. As a result, vaginal reduced or obstructed to cause pain during intercourse.

It may also be due to lack of good quality condoms, causing discomfort to the vagina. Because you actually do not agree husbands to use condoms, it seems that the main cause psychological barriers.

Surely not all wives experience pain when her husband use a condom. For those wives who are ready, let alone love her husband use a condom, it would not happen psychic barriers.

Condoms are now even used as a commodity related to sexual variation. Therefore, there are various kinds of shapes, colors, and flavors of condoms. Throughout manufactured to meet the health requirements, various types of course not a problem.

Fix your problem is simple though not always easy. First, it should be clear why the happy condom. Second, if the use of condoms no relationship with high-risk sexual behavior, no need to use it.

That is, the husband should "give in" even though not feeling "better" so that his wife is not disturbed so harmonious sexual relationship again. Sexual intercourse should be reserved for the interests of both parties, not for the benefit of one party only. This is indeed the essence of a harmonious sexual life.

Consultation answered by Prof.Dr.Wimpie Pangkahila, Sp.And

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