Sunday, July 31, 2011

Naturally, Mr P Will Shrinking

It's no secret that a man's sexual function declines with age. When testosterone levels begin to decline, a man takes longer to achieve sexual arousal. Although already aroused, he needs more time to erection and achieve orgasm. After orgasm, she also needs a longer effort to get aroused and orgasm again.

According to experts, the age factor was also influential in determining the volume of semen and sperm quality of a man. Impotence or erectile dysfunction is also associated with an increasingly older age; ie it can occur at ages 40 to 70. One study showed, machismo of Adam could decline 60 to 30 percent.

Another bad news, the men also will decline naturally in terms of urinary function. Research shows that the flow of urine will become weaker, which is a consequence of the weakening of the muscles of the bladder and prostate enlargement.

And that alone is not enough. But new research suggests that the size and shape of the penis will experience significant changes when a man begins to move from the top of her sexuality (the 30s) to middle age and old age. Here are four changes that occur naturally on the penis men with age:

1. Appearance
According to Irwin Goldstein, MD, director of sexual medicine at Alvarado Hospital in San Diego who is also Editor-in-Chief of The Journal of Sexual Medicine, there are two major changes that will occur to Mr. P. Head of the penis (glans) will regularly lose keunguannya color, which is a sign of reduced blood flow started. In addition, there will be a loss in the pubic hair slowly.

2. Penis size
Weight gain is a common thing when he grew older. When fat collects in the lower abdomen, the appearance of the penis size will change. "A lot of fat deposits on the prepubis make the penis look shorter shaft," said Ira Sharlip, MD, professor of clinical urology at the University of California, San Francisco.

"In some cases, fat deposits in the abdomen makes the penis buried. One way to motivate patients with obesity is by telling them that the size of the penis can grow again up to an inch with a simple, namely to cut weight," said Ronald Tamler, MD, PhD, Co-Director of Men's Health Program at Mount Sinai Hospital, New York City.

In addition to shrinkage of the side view (its reversible), the penis is also likely to be shrinkage of the size of the actual (irreversible). This shrinkage, both in terms of thickness-penjang or will not happen dramatically, but it looks real. "If a man measuring 6 inches when erect when at the age of 30, may be changed to 5 or 5.5 inches when he stepped on the age of 60 or 70's," says Goldstein.

What makes penis shrink? There are two things that are the cause. The first is due to deposition of fatty substances (plaque) inside the blood vessels of the penis, which affects blood flow to the vital organs. This process is called atherosclerosis, a similar mechanism that causes blockages in the coronary arteries, which trigger heart attacks.

The second cause is the accumulation of inelastic collagen (scar tissue) slowly in a fibrous sheath that coats the chamber erection (erection chambers). Erection own place this type cubicles full of blood flow. Blockage of arteries in the penis-and the less-elastic chamber this will make getting an erection was not optimal.

As well as changing the size of the penis, the testes are also experiencing the same thing. "Starting at about age 40, the testicles will begin to shrink," says Goldstein. Testicular 30-year-old man may have a diameter of 3 cm in size, while men aged 60 may be only about 2 cm.

3. Curve
If the scar tissue in the penis to accumulate unevenly, it can be curved penis. This condition is known as Peyronie's disease, which often affects men in middle age. This disorder can cause very painful erection and make intercourse difficult. To overcome this disorder, is usually required surgery.

4. Sensitivity
Some research indicates that the penis over time will become less sensitive. This would make a man achieve an erection or orgasm. However, whether this will also reduce the enjoyment in intercourse certainly debatable.

Not an obstacle in enjoying sex
If indeed all these things experienced by you, experts believe the decline in function or shape changes in vital organs do not need to make your sex life to be disturbed.

A recent study involving 2213 men in Olmstead County, Minnesota, showed that respondents experience a decrease in erectile function, libido, and ejaculatory function. However, in terms of sexual satisfaction, the decline was not so dominant alias is still moderate.

"The most important thing in achieving a satisfying sex life is the ability to satisfy your partner, and it does not require sexual abilities at the top level or a large penis," said Goldstein.
Sources: WebMD

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