Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sore Gums Can Make Hard Erections

Disturbances in the mouth and teeth should not be underestimated. Cause not only pain, but can also make your sex life a mess. Disease gingivitis or periodontitis, for example, can cause men experience erectile difficulty alias impotent. 

Periodontitis is an advanced stage of gum disease where the gums between the teeth and form pockets of plaque that inflamed gums, increase the bag, and accommodate more plaque. Pockets of pus may form in this dark area. If not treated, the teeth will falter even date. 

Periodontitis is usually painless. In some cases of acute infection, forming an abscess or pus, causing pain. 
If you start to feel symptoms peridontitis, consult your dentist. The sooner you go to the dentist, the greater the likelihood the gums heal and prevent tooth loss. 

Not only that, recent studies mention of periodontitis that occurs in mice can cause impotence. These results confirm previous studies which found the disease gingivitis is found in many men who suffer from erectile dysfunction. 
"Recognizing and treating periodontal disease in patients, both suffering from erectile dysfunction or not, could save the patient's sexual life," said researchers from Luzhou Medical College in China. 

In that study, researchers found periodontitis increases the body's inflammation or inflammation in mice. Inflammation is an immune system response and can be useful when the body fight infection. However, the inflammation is ongoing in high levels can be bad for health. 
Mice suffering from experimental periodontitis have a little enzyme that serve in achieving an erection, which is the enzyme eNOS. This enzyme produces nitric oxide that will make blood vessels relax and improve blood circulation to the penis. 

Inflammation caused by periodontitis will reduce the nitrous oxides that interfere with erections. However, this new mechanism seen in mice, yet known whether the same thing also happens in humans. 

However, another study found men who suffer from erectile dysfunction have a high inflammatory markers, such as C-reactive protein. "Another cause of high inflammation in the body is a fat belly," said Dr. David Meldrum, an expert in infertility at the University of California, Los Angeles, United States. 
Other factors that affect erectile disorders, among others, obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and nicotine. 
Source: LiveScience

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