Sunday, July 31, 2011

Various Causes Loyonya Mr.P

In harmony with the body condition, the function of sexual organs are not always in a fit condition. Sometimes erectile ability can go out. Although only occasionally, a man must have experienced erectile dysfunction or impotence.
However, this disorder should be aware if settled, because the sexual life will be disrupted but definitely a man's pride was at stake. Understandably, erection ability is closely related to the problem of "masculine" men.

At least, there are three important stages for the erection. The first is sexual stimulation, which can be derived from the sense of sight, hearing, touch or mind.

The second stage is the communication of sexual stimulation of the brain to the nerves of the penis. The next stage is to be rileksnya blood vessels that supply the penis, making more blood into the cylindrical structure so that the penis becomes tense.

If there is interference on one or more of these stages, the impotence or erectile dysfunction will be prone to occur.

Various causes
Causes of erectile failure broadly divided into two, namely the physical and non physical factors. Non-physical or psychological factors include childhood trauma, stress, and anxiety. Anything that makes a man of stress and can not relax, can make sexual vitality extinguished.

Meanwhile, other conditions that can cause the penis can not function disease is a complication. For example, nerve disorders caused by diabetes, vascular disorders, certain drugs or hormonal disorders.

High blood medication in the long run, for example, also can make the penis sluggish. Therefore, try to lower blood pressure without taking drugs.
The disease causes the penis can not harden not only diabetes but also obesity or overweight.

According to the andrology, Prof. dr. Wimpie Pangkahila, in general, obesity will cause a change in the total amount of blood and functioning of the heart. The distribution of fat around the chest and abdomen may restrict breathing and blood circulation process, which will ultimately alter the function of the respiratory.

These changes, said Wimpie, would reduce the function of the organs related to sexual function that ultimately lead to erection problems.
Meanwhile, according to trainer corporate health dr.Phaidon L. Toruan obesity may decrease the production of male hormones or testosterone and free testosterone (the active form of testosterone). This condition, according to Phaidon can increase the chances of erectile dysfunction.

"Obesity increases the risk factors associated with lower testosterone such as obstructive sleep apnea (blockage of the airway when sleeping), resisrensi insulin (diabetes), metabolic syndrome and disease. About this statement made Andret Guay from Harvard Medical School who dipublikasikandi Journal of Andrology in 2009 , "he said. Solutions to overcome the excess fat that lead to obesity, said Phaidon, is by exercising regularly and adjust your diet. The use of additional hormones, such as the hormone testosterone in men is one alternative to ease the effort.

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