
Monday, April 2, 2012

20 Tips for Success Learn Programming

Here are tips on how to be successful in learning the programming so it can be a reliable programmer. These tips are the result of discussion and a collection of inputs from various sources programmer friend.

20 Tips to success is as follows:

  1.     The initial capital is the motivation to learn programming. If the motivation to learn a great motivation, Congratulations! You are a candidate a reliable programmer. The next focus is to hone the skill to learn programming. Continue to maintain the motivation that has been owned. Do not let this motivation faded as a fiasco.
  2.     Do not give up easily. It is not easy to learn programming. It takes struggle, hard work, and experience (flight hours). Do not give up easily when a lot of errors that arise when making program.
  3.     Never assume that programming is entirely subject 'memorize'. It's true, is also required to memorize when memorize the syntax and rules of writing in the program. But in principle, programming is a logical way of thinking and learning how to solve the problem.
  4.     Do not just be typists. When the teacher gives an example program in the classroom or when practical, do not just look at every line of code such as the wind and you just move it to paper or computer. If only such, as well as learning to be a handyman type. Try to understand every line of code is written and the plot program teacher or your professor. If you already know, try to write his own version of the program according to the book or the computer. If this is done, it is not aware of having to train logical thinking and logical thinking to learn how to express in the form of the program.
  5.     To support learning, try to find people who want to teach. When encountering a problem in learning programming. Can be close friends, friends on the internet or even teachers and lecturers, or anybody close to and understand the terms in question.
  6.     Do not rely on face to face in the classroom. The material is very extensive programming. What is given when a college professor is very small in scope compared to the overall knowledge of programming. Try exploration own everything about programming. There are many references on the internet that discuss tips and tricks, and techniques in programming.
  7.     Look for the focus to the programming community. On the internet there are many discussion forums via the web or mailing list that discusses about the programming. Remember that people often associate with the perfume seller and he will come to be fragrant. So, we adopt this, along with many-many people in the community are equally interest in programming.
  8.     It is advisable to have your own computer at home or in boarding. As I mentioned above that in order to master the programming takes experience and a lot of flying hours in the make program. If you do not have your own computer, how to increase flying hours? To learn programming should not need a computer with a high specification. Pentium III computer enough that it can, but study programs that do need such a large specification-based visual programan. Anyway, do not ever rely on hours of practicum in the lab because of time-use is very limited. Think of it as buying a computer is as long-term investment. Rest assured when the capital to buy a computer it will come back again, or instead will provide a return on investment is much greater.
  9.     Do not just rely on notes or modules provided by the lecturer. The module content was written by professors on average is still little content. Try to find themselves linked to the programming reference. After all, it's been a lot of books to review on programming. If you want a free, try searching for references on the internet because there are many free ebook can be downloaded.
  10.     As pemrogrammer must always remember the almighty, so do not forget to keep pilgrimage. Knowledge come from The Creator, the closer you are to God, the more useful and enjoy doing programming.
  11.     A programmer must be set (programmed) its self - self programming. In terms of his personality, for example: when to eat, when to sleep, when to pray, and when the time to gather with family - no coding continues. programming time as well.
  12.     A programmer should be able to maintain the health. Because logic can not walk without the logistics, so food must also be considered, regular and nutritious food to the brain so we can think clearly and intelligently.
  13.     Do not just focus to benefit themselves. Such programmers are programmers who selfishly. Because one day he must know the talent which he used, should be useful to others.
  14.     Like a scientist, programmers must also continue to look for problems in a program and find the solution to the problem.
  15.     Begin to learn programming with logics solid foundation. A programmer must always be able to solve problems and provide solutions as long as it is logic, except for the magic-magic forget it, for example: move the Monas to papua / tamanmini move into the pocket.
  16.     Do not be afraid to fail. Every programmer must have experienced difficulties / even a failure in completing a project. Maybe, that's the way to success. Which indirectly without you knowing it.
  17.     Take a moment to refresh the brain, mind and strength. Not infrequently programmer stress, the brain systems work too hard without regular breaks, because the deadline.
  18.     Do not be afraid to "copy paste". No coding required a programmer to write the manual. Besides, to shorten the time, here are a programmer in demand to develop creativity. Many or even most of every programmer uses a variety of templates.
  19.     Do not just copy paste from. The average person that the origin copy and paste the program does not try to understand the program that he copy. Try to understand first program obtained mainly on the algorithm, if I could rewrite the program according to your version. May still copy and paste, the origin is also trying to understand the meaning of the program in it. Hopefully if you modify the source code.
  20.     Do not forget to practice it. Because science is not practiced like a fruitless tree, share (the study will not be discharged even though divided on how many people) even with a science degree we will be lifted.
    Okay all, good luck and practice the above tips ;-)

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