
Monday, April 2, 2012

Java Ebook To Learn Programming

Ebook collection is useful for learning program, learning programming, especially programmers and learn about the "java". May be useful.

"Java Fundamentals: A entry level textbook on the Java programming language" by Gary Marrer.

Ebook contents:

  1.      History of Java
  2.      What makes Java, Java
  3.      Design Tools (Program Logic Modeling)
  4.      program Documentation
  5.      Identifiers: Variables and Constants
  6.      Structured Programming
  7.      Using Repetition Structures
  8.      arrays 101
  9.      Introduction to Object orientated Programming
  10.      inheritance Expanded
  11.      AWT versus Swing Packages
  12.      arrays Revisited
  13.      Adding a data persistence to programs

Book Details
Author (s): Gary Marrer
Format (s): HTML
Link Read online click here

A “Free Java book” by Daniel L. Schuster in pdf format.

Ebook Contents:

  1.     Fundamentals
  2.     ACM Java Graphics
  3.     Making Decisions
  4.     Loops
  5.     Methods & Objects I
  6.     Game Programming I
  7.     Useful Java Objects
  8.     Methods II
  9.     Arrays & ArrayLists
  10.     Objects II
  11.     Game Programming II
  12.     Arrays II
  13.     Quick Reference
  14.     Setting Up Your Computer

Book Details
Author(s): Daniel L. Schuster
Format(s): PDF

“The Common Java Cookbook” by Tim O’Brien.

Ebook Contents

  1.     Supplements to the Java 2 Platform
  2.     Manipulating Text
  3.     JavaBeans
  4.     Functors
  5.     Collections
  6.     XML
  7.     Application Infrastructure
  8.     Math
  9.     Templating
  10.     I/O and Networking
  11.     HTTP and WebDAV
  12.     Searching and Filtering
  13.     JSON
  14.     Protocol Buffers
  15.     Google Guava: I/O
  16.     Google Guava: Collections

Book Details
Author(s): Tim O’Brien
Format(s): HTML, PDF
File size: 6.50 MB
Number of pages: 367
Link: DOWNLOAD or Read Here

Java Look and Feel Design Guidelines

    Author: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
    Format: online HTML
    Price: free

Ebook Contents

  1.     The Java Look and Feel
  2.     The Java Foundation Classes
  3.     Design Considerations
  4.     Visual Design
  5.     Application Graphics
  6.     Behavior
  7.     Windows and Panes
  8.     Dialog Boxes and Alert Boxes
  9.     Menus and Toolbars
  10.     Basic Controls
  11.     Text Components
  12.     Selectable Lists, Tables, and Tree Components
  13.     Keyboard Shortcuts, Mnemonics, and Other Keyboard Operations
  14.     Graphics Repository
  15.     Localization Word Lists
  16.     Switching Look and Feel Designs

Link: DOWNLOAD here

A Guide to Modern Programming with Java

    Author: Gregory J. E. Rawlins
    Format: online HTML
    Price: free
Ebook Contents:
  1.     Setting the Stage
  2.     Introducing the Players
  3.     Behind the Scenes
  4.     Character Study
  5.     Stage Direction
  6.     All Together Now
  7.     It Takes All Types
  8.     What’s in a Name?
  9.     Think Like an Object
  10.     Let the Games Begin
  11.     The Play’s the Thing
  12.     Networking
  13.     Defensive Programming
  14.     Design Patterns
  15.     Navel Gazing
  16.     Satori
  17.     Avoiding Style Crime
  18.     Java’s Flaws
  19.     Book Recommendations
  20.     The Rest of Java

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